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October 20, 2024
Workouts Are Trendy, but New Technologies Will Bring Positive Changes: What’s Next?

Workouts Are Trendy, but New Technologies Will Bring Positive Changes: What’s Next?

Dec 7, 2023

Last year, we saw several New Year’s resolutions in the fitness department on social media. Now that the year is drawing its curtains, it’s obvious many people stuck to their resolutions like glue, as there is an excessive number of ‘body goals’ posts and workout videos shared on social media platforms, especially on Instagram and Twitter. This fitness fever that has seized millennials and Gen-Zs even boomers shows no signs of receding. It has become clear that it will continue to get more trendy to get into fitness and wellness. 

With personalized apps and exercise-tracking devices, technology has revolutionized workouts, and more and more enthusiasts find taking control of their fitness journey fun. Like all things technology, the advancements never stop; they only continue to get better. These technologies are becoming more engaging and giving fitness consumers a more riveting experience. 

Are you reevaluating your fitness objectives for the upcoming year? This article covers the biggest trends in health and wellness and explores what the future holds for fitness. Stay ahead of the curves in wellness tech for smarter and more effective workouts with our roundup of digital transformations in physical fitness.

Training In Virtual Reality

Can we talk about trendy tech-powered workouts without mentioning VR fitness? Genuine gym bros will not hesitate to tell you it’s not possible. VR fitness used to be something of a novelty, but right now, it is the new age way to get fit at home. 

Several VR gym devotees were converted during the COVID-19 social distancing era and have since remained faithful to the tenets of the VR fitness practice. They will tell you that those simulated realities fitness apps helped them stay sane in the cooped-up conditions of the lockdown. 

Now that COVID is over, VR fitness continues to be a home gym alternative. The key reason is that it is more fun, flexible, and convenient. The only thing VR Fitness does not have going for it is its flair for making you look like a huge dork with a box on your face, plus the furious arm swinging and lunges. If you can stomach the funny looks from family and friends, then it is a good enough alternative for putrid public gyms.

Are you convinced enough to start shopping for VR headsets? Here is another pointer. The Apple Vision Pro is the king of VR headsets. Its beauty is unrivaled. With impressive displays, passthrough video, elastic headbands, and other remarkable Apple Vision Pro features, this headset provides multisensory experiences and is projected to be one of the best VR headsets for the future. 

The high-resolution display alone promises a full immersive experience. Virtual reality is, after all, about your vision the clearer you see, the better your experience.

Wearable Gym Gear

Did you think driverless cars were the craziest technological advancements? Welcome to the future of fitness, where you must wear your gym equipment. Not to worry, wearable gym wear does not translate to enormous, robot-like outfits. 

Examples include but are not limited to wireless performance headsets, heart-monitoring fitness bands, balance-tracking smart shoes, fitness watches, and trackers. Almost one in three Americans currently use a wearable device to track and monitor their well-being and fitness.

Fitness Community Apps

According to health fitness reports, usage of health and fitness apps has grown over the last three years by 330%. While there are advantages to solitary workouts, many prefer to meet their weight, fitness, and overall gym goals by working out with others who serve as accountability partners. 

Aside from accountability, gym enthusiasts can find the competition they need to push harder in fitness community apps. Whether your goal is a quick 15-minute yoga routine every morning or a hardcore strength workout, these apps help you find your community and encourage you to keep pumping out.

Smart Home Gyms

Yet another fitness tech-trend courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic, smart home gyms mean we can explore hundreds of workouts and movements at home with AI-powered exercise machines. What once was an extravagant spend is now a potential necessity for any serious-minded fitness enthusiast. 

These machines come with live sessions led by world-class trainers, interactive sessions with other gym buddies, and the opportunity to personalize your fitness experience. Take this as your 13th reason to splurge on interactive home workout systems.

The fitness industry has evolved over the years and offered products and services that have changed the fitness culture of fans worldwide. Tech-powered workouts are simply the next leap into the future, offering both ease and value. 

In the present fitness world, workouts must be done smartly with the help of technology. Therefore, newcomers and those already into fitness need to get with the program and embrace all the benefits technology offers.

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