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What are the 5 features to consider when writing an essay?

What are the 5 features to consider when writing an essay?

Dec 3, 2023

Essay writing involves conveying complex ideas, analyses, arguments or narratives effectively through prose composition. While essays vary widely in tone, purpose, length and topic across academic disciplines and real-world contexts, excellent essays tend to share key features that distinguish them from less developed writing. These elements scaffold coherent flow, reinforce validity, compellingly position the author’s perspective, and engage readers profoundly. And if you wite essays with Academized, they will make you realize that understanding and applying conventions deliberately through the writing process elevates novice essays toward excellence.

The five hallmark features characterizing outstanding academic and professional essays encompass insightful central theses, evidentiary support through research, logical reasoning structuring arguments, smooth transitions unifying ideas, and impactful introductions plus conclusions framing content. Harnessing these in tandem creates essays resonating beyond basic expectations as meticulously constructed knowledge vessels readers recall appreciatively for their skillful quality.

Develop an Insightful, Articulate Thesis Assertion 

The foundation underpinning essays involves forming the specific thesis or central conceptual assertion that the subsequent prose defends through appeals to logic and evidence over successive paragraphs. This governing statement should present an arguable yet supportable declaration knowledgeable authors can substantiate while acknowledging nuances. An essay’s directional course flows directly from its navigating thesis.

Strong essays proclaim focused theses addressing issues of consequence versus bland truisms any reasonable person would generally accept unquestioningly. They showcase understanding maturing beyond surface platitudes into incisive, individualized interpretations of the subject. Theses distinguish insights from what readers likely already believe or assume true, plunging deeper.

For example, an essay could put forth the thesis that social media negatively impacts teen mental health due to distorted self-perception, anonymity enabling cruelty, and addiction-like usage patterns. Such an interpretive stance allows room for debate and analysis beyond reflexively repeating obvious concerns parents already voice commonly. The subsequent essay would support interpreted effects through referenced research and representative examples in bodies paragraphs.

Assemble Extensive Supporting Evidence and Examples 

With the foundational thesis established, essay writers construct sturdy informational scaffolding through extensively researched outside source material supporting declared viewpoints contextually plus ample illustrative examples demonstrating claims in action. Essays substantiated by credible attributed sources and clearly defined constituent evidence influence readers more measurably over unverified personal opinions or anecdotal references alone.

Weaving together both referenced research from established authorities and well-documented illustrations of theses under discussion provides multifaceted reinforcement. For example, an essay exploring problematic social media impacts could cite academic studies tracking caused usage to depression while quoting teenager descriptions of bullying and sharing of risky content spreading rapidly across apps. As Do My Paper reviews note, professional media reports could detail whistleblower leaks revealing how companies deliberately addict users. Surveys convey statistically widespread effects aggregated from thousands of families’ experiences.

Structure Logically Progressive Arguments 

Expert essays organize proposed ideas logically through chains of reasoning carefully defining then interlinking associated concepts step-by-step. Sequences follow understandable progressive patterns composed intentionally to walk readers through concatenating considerations ultimately supporting the driving thesis. Masterful essays avoid disjointed streams of consciousness or disjointed blocks of text with unclear connections to central themes.

Professional writers intentionally arrange subjects, research and examples together into rationally flowing textual discussions using cogent building blocks visitors comprehend readily. Essays credibly defend theses through layered arguments unfolding deliberately like court cases. Opening statements preview content to follow. Then evidence review, testimony consideration and logical weighing of factual support structures cases closed with impactful summation recapitulating decisive proofs already examined.

Incorporate Transitional Phrases Between Ideas and Sections

Expanding from cogent paragraph construction, outstanding essays also interweave transitional phrases between paragraphs and topics that alert readers to idea shifts while clarifying relationships between covered subjects. Examples include contrasting indicators like “however” or “alternatively,” causal terms like “consequently” and summative cues such as “in conclusion.” Overt transitional vocabulary guides audiences fluidly through potentially disparate topics, seamlessly clarifying contexts. Papering over abrupt concept gaps alienates readers whereas explicating connections sustains engagement. Communication fluency intersects with composition fluency.

Open and Close Essays With Impact to Frame Content

Finally, skillfully bounding written discussions using quality opening and closing sections fortifies them. Initial introductions overview themes explored, detail significance and compel further interest rather than diving in midstream. After thoroughly building cases, essays conclude with summaries of cumulative advancements made through preceding reasoning, call backs to originating issues and final thoughts on implications. Framing written arguments between persuasive introduction and conclusion passages entices engagement while crystalizing importance.

By intentionally incorporating these five fundamental elements of insightful theses setting directional charges, thoroughly documented research and examples providing ballasts of support, chains of reasoning progressing logically, transitions connecting conceptual dots and bracketing impactful introduction plus summation, essay writers excel at their craft through understanding essential foundations first, then deliberately improving. With practice, these conventions meld together synergistically, empowering rich discussion.

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