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How to Stay Secure When Trying Online Gaming

How to Stay Secure When Trying Online Gaming

Sep 5, 2023

Stay safe whenever you play online games by following the tips and tricks in this guide.

Whether you’re a PlayStation 5, XBOX Series X/S, or PC gamer, it’s important that you stay safe when playing online. By doing this, you can: 

  • Protect your identity
  • Stop hackers from gaining access to your account and bank details
  • Avoid losing any of your data and progress 

This is why all pro gamers follow strict security measures. After all, you can never be too careful in online gaming, as there are many hackers and cybercriminals around at the moment. 

So, how can you stay safe and secure when trying online gaming? Let’s look at some genius ways you can do this no matter which platform (or platforms) you like to game on. 

Only Play Online Games on Websites That Are SSL Certified 

Some people like to play browser-based games through their PC and mobile browsers. This is absolutely fine — but you always need to check that the website you’re using has SSL certification so that you know a trusted 3rd party has authenticated it. 

Here’s an example: online blackjack. These days, millions of people around the world play online blackjack with real money every day. However, they only play blackjack in online casinos that have SSL certification, such as Spin Casino. As a result, players can enjoy blackjack, knowing that their accounts and gambling funds are safe. As a bonus, make sure that the site has fully certified games and a great sign-up deposit, just like Spin Casino.

To know whether an online casino or other gaming website is SSL certified, simply look at the address bar for ‘HTTPS’. If it only says ‘HTTP’, then the website is not SSL certified and should be avoided. 

Turn On Two-Factor Authentication 

Whichever platform you use for online gaming, whether a PlayStation 5 or Nintendo Switch, make sure you turn on two-factor authentication. Once you do this, you’ll need to verify your identity via text message or email every time you log in. Naturally, this is a great security measure, as it makes it almost impossible for hackers to get into your account — even if they know your password. 

Don’t Publicize Personal Information 

From your gamer tag to your public bio, don’t publicize any of your personal information. 

If you were to get into an argument with another online player, they’d be able to check your profile and potentially find out who you are through the personal information you’ve included. This is why you should keep personal information private and put your profile in private settings. 

Don’t Accept Random Friend Requests 

Often, what cybercriminals tend to do is send out random friend requests to other players. Then, when the player accepts the request, the cybercriminals will send a phishing message, which is a type of message that includes a dangerous link. If you were to click on this link, it might allow the cybercriminals to hack into your account and steal sensitive information (such as bank details). Thankfully, though, you can prevent this from happening by: 

  • Never accepting random friend requests.
  • Changing your account settings so that only friends can send you direct messages. 

Remember to have fun when gaming online, and always stay safe!

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