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Exploring the Hottest Technology Trends and In-Demand Jobs of Today

Exploring the Hottest Technology Trends and In-Demand Jobs of Today

Jul 25, 2023

Technology is progressing at breakneck speeds, and most people who are not up-to-date with them feel dragged along uncontrollably by it. We have reached such a point in human history that it is now impossible to stay away from technology. Because many activities that were hitherto performed manually are now completely executed through automated machines and systems. In order to remain tech-savvy in the current age, it is not only necessary to be aware of the currently popular technologies but also to be interested in upcoming new technology trends that will potentially take over the world in the coming few years. This way, you can prepare yourself for the lifestyle and professional opportunities that may arise in the future. Here, let us take a look at the hottest new technology trends that are slowly but surely seeping into our lives and will be prominent driving factors in both households and professional spaces in the near future.

Top 10 emerging new technology trends in 2023

Below we have listed the prominent emerging technologies that you must watch out for this year.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

eady AI is the highest-paying technology sector in the world now. And the prominence of Ai is set to increase rapidly in the coming decade. It is estimated that by 2025, the AI market will grow to a $190 billion industry.. Consequently, a huge number of job openings will arise in the AI sector, especially for programming, testing, maintenance, and support. Machine learning, a subset of AI, is another high-paying technology sector with huge potential for jobs. ML in itself will account for 9% of all the new technology jobs created in the USA by 2025. And the job roles are sophisticated and savvy ones like data scientists, robot monitoring professionals, content curators, and automation specialists.

Extended Reality

Extended reality is an umbrella term for such technologies as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. These technologies that aim to create virtual environments are a huge hit among gamers, retailers, and modeling agencies. Extended reality tools are used in some educational startups. For instance, a popular e-learning company in Mumbai has created an augmented reality application that will help students dissect a frog using augmented reality that prevents unnecessary harming of animals. ER offers versatile job opportunities such as Extended reality architects, front lead engineers, AR/VR Support Engineers, software developers, game designers, and creative directors.

Digital Trust

Digital trust is yet another umbrella term used to denote all the professions that secure the internet. The job roles considered to fall under teh digital trust domain can range from ethical hackers to Cybersecurity analysts. To obtain jobs in network and cyber security domains, you may have to take up a diploma or a master’s degree from reputed institutions. However, ethical hacking jobs are available for those who completed short-term bootcamps and certifications as well.

3D Printing

Until a decade or so back, we never imagined that we would be printing real objects from a printer by giving commands to a computer. Well! That is a reality today. And this technology called 3D Printing is here to stay. 3D Printing is used extensively by artists and also has immense applications and potential in healthcare, design, and manufacturing industries that require the creation of prototypes before the actual production. At least a basic knowledge of AI and Machine Learning is required to work successfully as a 3D printing professional. The most popular job roles in this technology sector are 3D printer engineer, CX programmer, Robotics trainer, organ and prosthetic designer, etc.


Genomics is a technology that studies the makeup of genes, tries to understand their fundamental properties, and identifies and prevents diseases due to genetic abnormalities. There are a plethora of technical and non-technical job roles in Genomics. There are technical job roles concerning design, analysis, and diagnostics. Apart from them, there are scientific roles in the research and theoretical analysis segments in Genomics. The top job roles in Genomics are Genome research analyst, bioinformatics engineer, Genetics engineer, bioinformatician, etc.

New Energy Solutions

The business of creating environmentally sustainable products and services is booming, be it renewable energy-based products or recycled products. With more and more people becoming aware of the possible consequences of global warming and climate change, there is an unprecedented demand for brands and companies that take an environment-first approach. Some of the popular job roles in the new energy sector are Energy specialist (Solar, hydro-power, thermal), Climate Strategy specialist, solar plant design engineer, biotechnology specialist, and renewable energy technologist.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA refers to a technology that primarily deals with automating jobs using software. RPA automates repetitive tasks and tasks that follow a specific template, such as interpreting applications, organizing data, processing transactions, and even replying to emails. If you are an IT professional looking to switch up and try something promising and challenging, RPA offers plenty of job opportunities, particularly in roles such as developer, project manager, consultant, business analyst, and solution manager.

Edge Computing

Edge computing was designed to overcome the shortcomings of cloud computing, mainly the latency and dependency on good network connectivity. Edge computing seeks to get the data to the data centers for processing at a faster rate by storing the data at the edge, closer to where the computing happens. Edge computing comes in handy when you need to process time-sensitive data in remote locations when there is limited or no connectivity. So, edge computing facilities act as mini data centers. Edge computing will become more prominent with the spread of the Internet of Things (IoT). Together Edge and Quantum computing fields will produce job roles such as Cloud reliability engineer, Cloud architect, security architect, and cloud infrastructure engineer in plenty.

Quantum Computing

During the coronavirus pandemic, the world witnessed the tremendous power of quantum computing as it helped prevent the spread of the disease by easily querying, monitoring, and acting on data. With the help of quantum computing, vaccines that would otherwise take years to develop were developed in a matter of months. Quantum computing makes use of the phenomena like superposition and quantum entanglement to make incredibly fast calculations with minimal computing power.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality, augmented reality, and extended reality technologies have been in use for quite some time now, especially amongst the military for training pilots and ship captains. In the last two decades, these technologies have seeped into teh mainstream lives in the form of virtual reality and augmented reality games and tutorials. While virtual reality immerses the user in an artificial world. Augmented reality enhances the user’s existing world by adding artificial features and objects to it. For instance, an app called ‘Froggipedia’ developed by a Mumbai-based firm called ‘Designmate’ helps science teachers and students understand a frog’s anatomy and lifecycle without having to actually hurt or capture a live frog.


Technology keeps evolving, and new technologies and ideas are emerging on an almost day-to-day basis nowadays. Any technology professional today must stay abreast of the latest and hottest technologies in the market to understand how it might affect their profession. And who knows! You might even want to try your hand at one of these technologies and might even find your new passion in them.

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